Thursday, July 9, 2020

Should Sample Essay Subjects Like Art Be Dropped From School Curriculum?

Should Sample Essay Subjects Like Art Be Dropped From School Curriculum?Sample essay subjects such as art should be dropped from the school curriculum if students are not to become bored and lose interest in reading. Students do not need to be forced to study history, math or English. Students should have a healthy respect for the subject and be able to study without the pressure of textbook reading.The reasoning behind dropping sample essay subjects such as art is simple: Students do not want to study subjects that they do not want to read about. They also do not want to study subjects that they will not enjoy reading about and may well never do or understand fully.Students are encouraged to be more independent and not require teachers to teach them subjects such as art, so we can focus on subjects such as English, History and Math. We must be able to prepare them for a world that does not have a standard set of subjects to study and read about. This should be a natural part of educ ation, which we are seeing more.We have seen a lot of students doing hand outs, making up their own subject, and learning through observation. It has taken the studying of the actual book that is required of them, but at least students have not lost interest in it. They will still be interested in the work of writers such as Shakespeare or Milton.Instead of subjects such as art, children need to be encouraged to get a wider perspective on the subject matter. They need to learn about history, politics, literature, music, religion, food, relationships, travel, technology, etc.We will need to teach students about these different subject areas in a way that is interesting and engaging. There will need to be many opportunities to explore these different areas, so there will be a lot of reading and discovery to do.These students need to learn how to write the essays required by the teaching process and how to incorporate the key points from the lesson into the essay itself. This will requ ire creativity and a willingness to be creative and to write about things that are not generally taught in high school.By making art one of the sample essay subjects available, we can ensure that it will be taught with more focus and will be more interesting than any other possible subject for students to learn. It should be remembered that art is an innate part of life and it will always be taught.

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